Are you actually happy at work?

Recent research has shown that 1 in 5 Dutch people is unhappy at work. With this knowledge NCOI started a new campaign where they asked the Dutch if they were following their real ambition.

Recent research has shown that 1 in 5 Dutch people is unhappy at work. With this knowledge NCOI started a new campaign where they asked the Dutch if they were following their ambition. The word ambition has a different connotation for everyone. For one it means making money and climbing the ladder of success, for the other it means growing as a human being.

The campaign allows people to examine how happy they are in their work and whether they are following their ambition, and it encourages people to go for what they really want. The focus is on a video in which working people in the Netherlands are asked about their job satisfaction and ambition on the street. The honest answers in this clip show that ambition means something different to everyone. By offering non-binding assessments and career coaching on their website, NCOI wanted to optimally support working people in the Netherlands in making decisions that contribute to their own happiness at work.

Whatever your ambition, if you aren’t doing something you really want, the chances are high you’ll be unfulfilled. Are you already following your ambition?


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