Your kidneys are your life


Getting a surprise speech by their loved ones telling them how proud they are of their resilience and perseverance.

This film shows that kidney patients are much more than just patients. And by supporting research about kidney diseases you’re not just helping patients, but parents, partners and loved ones. People just like ourselves. 

It’s obvious to all of us that kidney diseases affect their patients' lives in an unimaginably big way. Nevertheless, they always seem to stay strong and normalise their situation as much as possible. An admirable characteristic that takes a lot of courage. 

Apart from being patients these people are, above all, parents, partners and loved ones. So, to emphasise this and to remind them of how strong they are, we invited their own loved ones with them to our studio. Thinking they were coming in for an interview, their loved ones surprised them with a heartfelt message. Telling them how proud they are of their resilience and perseverance. An important message that can sometimes get lost in the struggle of living with this disease every day.

Filling the void of the EURO’s

ROQ ’N Rolla Music

Going back to where we came from