Creative Agency for Impact

Willemsparkweg 78
1071 HL Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 754 2336


Realizing the next phase in energy transition


Vandebron wants everyone to be able to use 100% green electricity from Dutch soil. Day and night. To do this, you not only have to generate energy, you also have to store and distribute it smartly.


Wefilm helps Vandebron strategically, creatively and productively to accelerate the energy transition and position the company as a technological pioneer on a mission.


To get people moving for the energy transition 2.0, it is necessary to first create awareness for the real challenge: making 100% sustainable energy available 100% of the time.


How do you explain such a hugely complex problem in a 30 second movie? By using two very powerful and simple images that represent the challenge in one go: a stationary windmill and a solar panel in the night.

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  • Client
    • Vandebron
  • Client Responsible
    • Isabelle Cannoo
    • Mart Vonk
    • Margo van Gils
    • Nick Weijnschenk
  • Concept
    • Wefilm Concepts
  • Creative Director
    • Roel Welling
  • Creatives
    • Marius Gottlieb
    • Janna Stolp
  • Client Lead
    • Lynn Degen
  • Director
    • Lennart Verstegen
  • Producer
    • Joris Hoevenberg
  • Post-Producer
    • Colin van Drie
  • Photography
    • Bram Schilling
  • Editor
    • Patrick Schonewille

The energy transition is a complex matter, which means that many people are dropping out. Yet we must all do it together. By simplifying the transition into a recognizable and understandable picture, we keep the Netherlands on board.


Is it possible to drive on wind energy? What if we literally visualize that? And can that be done in 1 shot?

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  • Client
    • Vandebron
  • Client Responsible
    • Rolf de Rode
    • Nicky Weijnschenk
  • Creative Director
    • Roel Welling
  • Creative
    • Janna Stolp
  • Client Lead
    • Lynn Degen
  • Director
    • Robbert Alblas
  • Producer
    • Koen van der Knaap

Not every Dutch person has their own roof on which to install solar panels. How can you contribute to the energy transition? Vandebron offers a viable alternative for everyone, by supplying 100% green energy from Dutch sources.


We film the personal story of actress Jennifer Hoffman, who is concerned about the climate and wants to do something. A positive commercial with a sense of urgency, in which Jennifer visualizes the ideal world by shutting down coal-fired power stations with the snap of her fingers."


  • Client
    • Vandebron
  • Client responsible
    • Isabelle Cannoo
    • Mark Vonk
    • Margo van Gils
  • Concept
    • Wefilm Concepts
  • Creative Director
    • Roel Welling
  • Creatives
    • Beer ten Kate
    • Patrick van Haperen
  • Director
    • Tom Rijpert
  • Client Lead
    • Raoul Oei
  • Producer
    • Noor de Rijke
  • Strategist
    • Ruben Cusell
  • Photography
    • Bram Schilling
  • Editor
    • Nick Rozenberg
Next up:

Embracing the value of football
